Monday, January 12, 2009

SMK Kalaka Roban, Staff Development

It was indeed an interesting session I had with members of the teaching community and the general staff of SMK Kalaka Roban in Saratok District last Monday, 11 August 2008. We discussed teachers' job satisfaction on the pretext of understanding work psychology in organisation. They were about 90 teachers and staff who attended the session. The school principal, Dominic Sullang has been leading the school for the past ten years and has successfully transformed the school into an amazing organisation. This is based on my last visit to the school sometimes in 1993. Today SMK Kalaka has Form Six classes and 71 teachers. Its SPM and PMR results have improved over the years. This is of course as result of continuous professional development among its teachers and the supporting staff.

Based on Peter's Grid, our discussion on employees' job satisfaction level was quite interesting because some of Peter's notions on employees' turnover have connection to whether one is both qualified and suitable for a certain position. Peter suggested that a qualified and suitable person will be ideally fitting himself or herself in an organisation compared to one who has got the qualification but unsuitable (Surprise fit). Another category of employee is one who is suitable but is not qualified. That creates a 'poor fit' situation. And, of course the worst being 'a totally misfit' situation whereby one is not qualified and not suitable. Peter argued that the 'surprise fit' employee will be the one who remains in the organisation The totally misfit will create his / her own professional exit. A section of the staff attending the SD session

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