Saturday, November 14, 2009
of leadership: from heroic to intoxicated leaders
2. The quest for clarity
3. The quest for goodness and authenticity
4. The quest for the rights and responsibilities of all
5. The quest for more knowledge and right knowledge (Knowledge pursuit leaders)
6. The quest for connections and meaning making
7. The quest of self-knowledge
8. The quest for historical literacy
9. The quest for time resource and other resources: timelines, time frames, time periods and targets
10. The quest for balance: The universal and the parochial
He was presenting a key note address for the 1st Regional conference on educational leadership and management held at IAB Utara Jitra 10-12 November 2009. The conference was attended by about 200 participants from 6 countries including Malaysia and was officiated by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Tan Sri Muhidin Yassin.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Mengembalikan kebitaraan IAB
Datuk Ghafar juga telah menyingkap lembaran baru untuk IAB apabila beliau menyatakan struktur baru IAB 2011 apabila IAB Induk berpindah ke Kampus Nilai dengan tiga cawangan iaitu Sri Layang, Utara dan Sarawak dan empat Urus Setia di Zon Johor, Pantai Timur, Perak dan Sabah. Ini merupakan manifestasi kepada lonjakan profesionalisme berterusan pendidikan dan lingkungan keguruan di Malaysia seperti yang dihasratkan dalam PIPP (2006-2010). IAB dijangka bergerak lebih dinamik, proaktif dan agresif menangani persoalan dalam pembangunan pendidikan tanahair.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
RE: Gelaran Datuk Ekspres... dalam kalangan pemimpin juga sudah menular
Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim sekali lagi telah menarik perhatian umum dalam kenyetaannya berhubung dua isu penting: pembelian gelaran sosial dan anugerah ilmiah dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Dalam keghairahan mendapat pengiktirafan status sosial terdapat segelintir individu yang sanggup mengabui mata masyarakat dengan "membeli" tersebut sama ada dari luar mahupun dari dalam negara.
Berikut saya muat turun laporan Utusan Malaysia mengenai isu tersebut untuk perkongsian.
Gelaran Datuk ekspres
KUALA LUMPUR 22 Sept. – Jabatan Peguam Negara diminta memutuskan sama ada ‘pembelian’ gelaran seperti Datuk dari luar negara atau ijazah doktor falsafah (PhD) ‘secara ekspres’ merupakan perbuatan jenayah atau sebaliknya.
Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim berkata, kegiatan membeli gelaran sosial semakin serius dan jika tidak ditangani, akan melahirkan satu generasi ‘ilmuwan palsu’.
Menurutnya, agensi kerajaan yang berkenaan perlu menilai dan merumuskan juga kaedah untuk menghalang perbuatan membeli gelaran sosial yang semakin menjadi-jadi.
Beliau memberitahu, pihak-pihak yang menggunakan gelaran palsu berkenaan harus disiasat dengan segera kerana mereka boleh ditafsir melakukan satu bentuk penipuan kepada masyarakat.
Tambahnya, perbuatan membeli gelaran sosial di negara ini sudah di tahap yang agak keterlaluan dan menjadikan budaya menipu di tahap paling tinggi serta memudaratkan masyarakat.
“Ada pemimpin muda memiliki ijazah PhD belian dan tidak diiktiraf, ini sangat serius, saya cadangkan mereka disiasat, perbuatan ini disifatkan menipu,” katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini, baru-baru ini.
Malah, Rais berkata, sesetengah ahli masyarakat yang berstatus pemimpin juga dikesan membeli ‘PhD ekspres’.
Katanya, selain PhD, gelaran sosial lain seperti Datuk dan Datuk Seri boleh dibeli dari luar dengan mudah.
“Cuma Tan Sri yang belum ‘dikilangkan’ lagi,” katanya.
Kata beliau, budaya membeli gelaran sosial sudah berlarutan hampir satu dekad dan pembelian dari luar adalah lanjutan daripada sikap menjual gelaran yang sama di dalam negara.
“Semasa di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dahulu saya pernah tegur beberapa negeri, apabila dikaitkan dengan kuasa-kuasa luar Malaysia, ini adalah lanjutan kepada amalan terdahulu,” katanya.
Jelasnya, ada individu yang boleh menjadi Datuk secara tiba-tiba atau umpama dalam sekelip mata.
“Dahulu gelaran istana diberikan kepada yang berjasa kepada raja dan negara, sekarang nilai-nilai itu sudah berubah menjadi nilai buruk, gelaran-gelaran penting menjadi bahan dagangan,” katanya.
Kata beliau, seorang yang membawa gelaran Dr. dalam namanya melalui Phd sepatutnya seorang yang berilmu dan membuat pencapaian tinggi.
“Kecuali undang-undang berkaitan menyamar dapat digunakan, maka perkara ini (pembelian gelaran sosial) memerlukan satu pendekatan drastik untuk ditangani,” katanya.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Apabila manusia rabun budaya..
(i) Bangsa itu buta budaya
(ii) Bangsa itu rabun budaya
Merek suka demonstrasi jalanan (sejak zaman dahulu lagi sudah ada 'kebebasan' demikian) dan terbawa-bawa oleh sentimen jalanan yang tidak Islami malahan jauh daripada bertemadun. Mereka pernah melaungkan (dalam salah satu demonstrasi 2008 di Jakarta) bahawa mereka "jauh lebih baik dari segi kualiti hidup berbanding Malaysia". Ini contoh kejahilan mereka yang terlibat dalam demonstrasi tersebut. Mereka luba sejak TKI diberi peluang di Malaysia, ini telah mengangkat taraf hidup malah ekonomi mereka. Saya khauatir dalam kalangan yang sering berdemo di jalanan ini adalah golongan yang sengaja mengadu-domba serta memprovokasi Malaysia. Mereka sebetulnya perlu pendidikan. Mereka tidak ada kualiti hidup yang baik. Sebagai sebuah negera Islam terbesar di dunia, apakah ini dikatakan kualiti yang baik?
Ramai orang Malaysia bertandang ke Indonesia setia tahun. Mereka faham keadaan sosial dan ekonomi di Indonesia. Yang berjumlah ratusan ribu tidak balik ke Indonesia sekarang, sama ada atas status "PATI" atau berkerja secara sah, merupakan bukti kesederhanaan sistem sosial Malaysia yang dijelmakan daripada slogan "prosper thy neighbour" yakni memakmurkan jiran tetangga (dan bukan menghasut serta menjadi petualang dalam perhubungan).
Banyak yang perlu dibuat oleh kerajaan Indonesia (di samping membersih pentadbirannya). Antaranya ialah memberi pendidikan sebaik mungkin kepada setiap rakyatnya; dengan kata lain sekolahkan dan sekolahkan semula rakyatnya yang jahil serta sama ada rabun ataupun buta budaya. Saya masih teringat akan kejatuhan Melaka: bukan pantun "papan di Jawa saya dirikan" tetapi watak di belakang kejatuhan Melaka kepada kuasa asing. Ini memberi pengajaran berkekalan kepada saya untuk terus khuatir kehadiran yang semakin bertambah orang Indonesia khususnya dari pulau Jawa di Tanah Melayu!
Wallahualam Bissawab
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Skim Seragam Pengetua Guru Besar 2012 .. hikayat sistem kita yang ketinggalan..
i. Jenama baru
ii. Isi baru
iii. Tenaga pengajar baru (pastinya antara DG48-DG54)
Pada suatu perbincangan yang turut dihadiri pegawai PTD, saya memberi reaksi dengan mengatakan betapa sistem kuota guru yang diamalkan negara kita adalah lapok, dan ketinggalan zaman! Semua yang hadir terbeliak dan merasa terancan dengan penyataan saya. Lalu saya mencadangkan: Kita mesti mengubah sistem kuota ini (sekurang-kurangnya khusus untuk jawatan guru) iaitu sekolah mesti mendapat jawatan guru berdasarkan sistem pengajaran berasaskan kemahiran (yang hendak diajar: saya pernah menulis tentang ini dalam isu berlainan). Contohnya: Bahasa Melayu untuk tahap satu (Tahun 1-3) perlu sekurang-kurang nya emapt kemahiran yang perlu diajar, iaitu: Menulis (termasuk tulisan dan penulisan), Membaca, Kefahaman dan Lisan. Maka ini menuntut empat orang guru, iaitu Guru BM Menulis, Guru BM Bacaan, Guru BM Kefahaman dan Guru BM Lisan.
Salah seorang yang mendengar cadangan saya itu menyampuk (menyampuk sekadar hendak menyampuk) : itu terlalu luxury ! Lalu saya berkata: So what? What wrong being luxurious in a system that everybody has a share in it? Why can't we have luxury in teachers' quota when we have luxurious school building (costing between 25-60million!). Yang lain, dan tak mengerti penyataan saya terdiam ada di kalangan guru besar dan pengetua mengangguk tetapi tidak bersuara menyokong. Seorang pemimpin kesatuan guru, saya pasti beliau adalah guru besar berdiri dan berkata: Syabas, dr. kita akan bawa cadangan ini ke majlis pemuafakatan nanti (yang saya tidak dengar lagi perkembangannya).
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Batu Danau and Pengkalan Jawa
Rohana and I spent slightly longer time at Batu Danau because Sampai has prepared us lunch which we enjoyed together with the entire boarders of the school. The dining hall was a clean and tidy one. As it was Wednesday, Sampai and his team wore the school "corporate attire" while the students wore their co curricula uniforms respectively.
Lunch time: Students of SKBatu Danau Withe some members of the teaching staf. Sampai is on my left.
"Came- Rain"
On our way to Rossa Passadena, Ibrahim, our driver recommended us to taste Cameron tea. We spent 40 minute break and enjoyed our earl grey and some bites of strawberry-cheese cake.
The low temperature reminded us the hottest summer we had in UK.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
How do we conceptualise Nation State? revisiting teachers' day theme for 2009
1. Why teachers are given this responsibility: building nation state?
Friday, June 26, 2009
Long, long busy June
Many thanks to all who attended all occasions, may Allah swt provides us all with strength and excellent health.
A slight drawback for the long week when Sarbanun experienced another abdominal problem. She missed the night reception, traditional chinese tea-reception at Haizal's parents house, Kidurong. We came back to Kuching 14 June. She went to see Dr. Ng 15 June and was advised to undergo a surgery the following Monday, 22 June.
After the surgery she was on sick leave until 22 July.
Those are the slight 'turbulence' my family encountered in June after the months long preparation for Lenny's wedding. Our brothers and sisters from Saratok and Limbang joined hands to assist us with all the preparation.
I upload a few images recorded during the occasion.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
From Good Shepherd to Penglayan
This is an interesting school indeed. Its locality reminded me of Sarawak Teachers' Training College 1976 where we were holding breath each time an aircraft took off and landed. The difference is the size of the aircraft. Marudi is only served with Twin-Otter 19-passenger aircraft while Sibu then was with fokker and some cessna.
Patrick Tait has his second round as school head at Good Shepherd. During the briefing I did ask this question: Anybody know why this school is called 'Good Shepherd'. I shared some of my Bible Knowledge with some of the teachers.
During the brief, yet meaningful visit, I had the chance to observe some of the learning sessions. Bennet (right) is an interesting boy, suspected ADHD (Attention Deficit Hypher-Active Disorder) year two-student. I managed to talk with him when Patrick brought me to the classroom. Now many would be aware that ADHD has been a worrisome among our students. Some teachers have been exposed to detecting the disorder, while the majority would not understand its existence.
14 May at 0800 we left Marudi to Penglayan, an hour journey by boat. Thanks to PPD Baram for providing the efficient transportation. The Deputy Minister of Education used the same boat two weeks ago when he was on Baram schools visits.
At Penglayan, Adree Lenjau and his teachers received us as usual right at the jetty. They were observing Thursday like any town school: on batik!
The dry season has provided us a clearer vision of SK Penglayan, reminding me of yet another critical problem faced by boarding school: H2O, that is! During lunch time, I jokingly told some of the teachers that I will "provide" some rain and asked one of them either she prefers 'L', 'M' or 'S' which she instantly said "L"! A few minutes after we started our lunch, we heard some rain drops hitting the zinc roof! That continued on when we left for our boat around mid day. The rain was a relief indeed as most teachers have dried up their reserve. Similar to what I sawat SMK Ulu Balingian on 23 April, all the toilet bowls were without clear water and all tanks meant for the toilets were also dried up.
At 6.15pm I managed to contact Razali Ibrahim the PK1 to verify about the rain. I was in great sigh that it did actually rain when I left Penglayan. The teachers were excited arrest as much of the rain as possible with their empty tanks.
Above: Some of the teachers including Puan
Norlida with her small boy followed us to
Kuala Baram for a brief boat tour.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Action Research for underenrolled elementary school heads in Sabah
Now, more and more teachers are able to share their research findings through seminar presentation. Some districts throughout the country are quite active in organising such forum and make it their annual activity. In some districts, such forum is what they are waiting for so that they too could contribute to decision making especially on academic and curriculum matters.
From May 4 to May 8, the 26 Sabah school, heads have participated actively in all the activities we conducted. Dr. Abang Hut and myself were really amazed by their enthusiasm and participation. The works we provided were meant to guide them in two key areas prior to conducting the research, viz-a-viz reflection and item construction. At the end of the course they were guided to write a research proposal. Congratulation to all the 26 school heads in Sabah. I am confident that you will be able to conduct exemplary action research.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Kanowit revisited
I proudly share here that the principal, Andrew has just completed his Masters from OUM; one of the few Sarawak elementary school heads to have such qualification so far. Congratulation, Andrew and thanks for an excellent ride in the brand new Toyota-Innova.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The long week..
After checking in at Tang Dynasty Kota Kinabalu 21 April 2009, I was left with barely 25 minutes to enter the lecture hall where 35 participants of Organisational Behaviour Course were waiting. Thanks to Dr. Abang Hut who managed the course, and like Adeline, managed to gather substantive number of course participants from all division in Sabah. I lectured for six hours, relieved of the night two-hour slot as all participant preferred only day lecture. It was hot and dry in KK for the past week I was told, and having endured the heat, the night was as forgiving as a mild winter in Perth.
I took the last flight from KK to Sibu 22 April. The Fokker aircraft was providing the the ten passengers a very luxurious journey! However, being too comfortable with the ample space, I left a bag with a pair of golf shoes! I only realised about the baggage which I placed in the cabin when returning from late night super with my nephew. Thanks to the excellent service of the lost-and-found department of the airline. I received the call from Sibu office that my left luggage was ready for collection at 11.00 am the following day; thanks to Sdr Ismail (Mas Sibu Airport) and Ms Hamimah (MAS Kuching Airport). That served as a great relief as I was due for Eastwood Valley Miri for Saturday Golfing with some colleagues from Brunei.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Status quo and new meanings.
Each time I stopped over at Sri Aman Journey Break, I met quite a number of party people patronising the the food outlets. The place is now quite improved (minus the toilet, which need urgent repair). I realised that Lubok Antu has been the central focus over the weeks since the demise of the assemblyman for Batang Ai'.
Simanggang or second division as it was fondly referred to by veterans, could have witness more visitors even without by election nearby. The journey break facility made available at the junction serves as only a brief relaxation after a two-hour drive from the capital city. To proceed Sri Aman town one needs to spare 18 km for a return journey, which is to mean 'wasting' 20 minutes or so of the next journey.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Focused action research
Previous action research course were normally conducted to address curriculum issues and attended by senior curriculum practitioners in schools and education offices.
This is the first time Headteachers participated in action research course and IAB is focusing on under enrolled primary schools in Sarawak and Sabah. The two states have more then 50 percent under enrolled primary schools (below 150 pupils).
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Isu PPSMI... mengapa ke peringkat 'perarakan' dan 'bermemorandum'?..
Sunday, February 22, 2009
District Information Officers Workshop 2009
Centrally themed 'job satisfaction and building a career path to success', I began by asking what made them satisfied with their present job, a point I had always made when addressing the civil service. The notion that, satisfaction has always been contributed by such factors as pay, promotion, supervision, colleagues and workplace need reviewing. They may give some form of satisfaction but they may not be continuously motivating and satisfying to most people. In Malaysian civil service context, such factors continuous professional development and the nature of the 'work' one is attached to, contribute to long-term satisfaction.
I concluded professional satisfaction contributes to continuous motivation among most civil service officers. The implication is that employers need to constantly provide opportunities to employees to develop themselves.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Dialog Pendidikan Borneo II
Sarawak is planning to host the second Borneo Education Dialogue II 27 - 30 July 2009. A steering committee was formed and had its meeting in Santubong Resort 20-21 February 2009. The theme will revolve around best practices in education and five sub themes incorporating curriculum, management and leadership, teacher training have also been identified.
Chairing the steering committee is Pengiran Merali bin Pengiran Mohemed who is also the education Department Academic Sector head.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Menunggu pertemuan Obama dan Osama
Menunggu pertemuan Obama dan Osama
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Experiential learning: understanding adult learners..
I began by discussing 'What is teaching?' a preamble session to my second and third modular training sessions, viz-a-viz, "Reflection on our teaching" and "Pedagogy Vs Andragogy". Teachers at private colleges and institutions in Malaysia are of diversified background in terms of academic and professional qualification backgrounds. So the professional development so organised by ICATS was not only relevant but ought to be taken heed of by other institutions because teachers, wherever they serve, need constant professional staff development activities so that they keep abreast with the latest development in the profession of teaching.
In our Malaysian context, teaching is an open profession. However the competency being a professional teachers ought to come along with skill and professional training. Being a trained teacher in government schools in Malaysia, one is recognised as qualified or licenced to teach. Those who are not, are recognised as untrained, temporary teacher; an administrative definition of it.
Learning through experience requires a substantive amount of experience or at least initial exposure to the kind of acquired experience. Several notions to it links to how adult people learn. In teaching terminology 'andragogy' is used and it assumes that adult learn in the following context:
☻ Adults need to know why they need to learn something;
☻ Adults need to learn experientially;
☻ Adults approach learning as problem-solving;
☻ Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value.
The issue teachers need to ponder upon is: when pedagogy or andragogy is used when teaching post secondary students (participants)? How definitive is our approach to teaching a varied background of participants especially when they are of different age groups.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Palestin and Israel... Long lesson on humanity yet to be learnt
Reading the history and actual story from whatever versions of recount, will conclusively suggest that we as the present inhabitants of this beautiful planet called Earth are in actual fact came from the same source that is Adam and Eve (Hawa). We are governed by one source of power, the Almighty God, Allah SWT.
What have transformed the differences are for us all to study and study and study until there is wisdom that God will give us all. Only then will we as mankind understand how to live together, understand each other well and accept whatever differences as God given as God would like all mankind to live peacefully in this world.
May peace be created in the middle east.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The 4th.Inter Universities Conference Kalimatan 2008
Pengalaman membentang Kertas Kerja pada seminar antara bangsa amat menyeronokkan lebih-lebih lagi apabila banyak perkongsian idea berlaku di kalangan pembentang atau pemakalah (istilah di Indonesia yang mula diterima pakai di Malasyia.
Jaringan kerja di kalangan pusat pengajian di Borneo semakin menggalakkan bermula dengan siri Dialog Borneo kerjasma Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, dan Seminar Borneo Research Council. Sesungguhnya jaringan tersebut wajar diteruskan dan dipertingkatkan kerana ruang kerjasama demikian begitu terserlah di kalangan masyarakat berbudaya serupa ini malah daripada komen dan pandangan-pandangan di kalangan cendikiawak yang ikut serta dalam konferensi dan dialog Borneo yang pernah saya hadiri, betapa mereka melihat para cendikiawan di Borneo ini wajar bergerak memperhebatkan lagi kegiatan seBorneo pada masa akan datang.
Bagi Sarawak, kebanggaan kita ialah kerana ketiga-tiga aktiviti tersebut adalah cetusan dari Kuching; maka sudah tibanya inisiatif serupa ditapilkan oleh Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Kota Kinabalu dan Bandar Seri Begawan- tujuh kota besar dan tidak kurang ilmuannya di pulau ketiga besarnya di dunia itu.
Daripada para sahabat di Jabatan Pendidikan Sarawak, saya difahamkan bahawa ada usaha untuk mengadakan Dialog Pendidikan Borneo kali kedua nanti dengan penglibatan cendikiawan dari Kalimantan, khususnya Kalimantan Barat.
Syabas dan tahniah saya ucapkan sekiranya ia benar dan akan menjadi realiti. Pertemuan seumpama itu nanti akan memperkayakan lagi ruang pemikiran seBorneo para cendikiawan dan sudahpasti ketersebarannya akan jauh lebih meluas.
Gambar 1, Prof. Abdul Halim Ali sedang membentangkan kertas kerja bertajuk:
Gambar 3. Dari Kiri, Dr. Nelson (UNIMAS), Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd. Taha Arif dan blogger sedang mengikuti pembentangan Prof. Abdul Halim Ali.
of collaboration and cooporation in classroom learning environment...
I pondered, "have you ever tried team-teaching for your class?" The teachers who filled my staff development session, looked at each other, could be wandering ("what on earth is this fellow talking about?"). "In a class of 25-30 students, English lesson for year one pupils is taught by five teachers. The lesson went for 2 hours with flexible breaks in between skills they planned," I continued to make more sense of my earlier question.
I continued with my elaboration:
A teacher who taught writing (English), began by grouping her pupils. The second and third teacher helped her by distributing printed materials, colourful and big enough that I could see letters printed on them. While the fourth teacher arranged some of the materials on a display table at one corner of the classroom.
The five teachers interacted so lively with the 28 year one students. After writing skills lasted for almost half-an-hour, the grammar English teacher led the class for another hour. She switched on the TV set stationed at one corner of the classroom (I reckoned it was about 40x60 feet in size!). It was screening video-taped animated story "the hare and the tortoise". She later paused the video tape and moved the students attention by looking at the chart prepared at the other corner of the classroom. She asked some questions related to what was shown in the video. The students responded actively non-choral as she politely said out each name who raised their hands. The story telling lesson(for grammar and comprehension) went impressively well that I did not realised I had been observing them for almost 120 minutes!
The class was very lively. I observed only one student seeked permission to go to the toilet, adjacent to the classroom. Students followership and leadership were remarkable. The five teachers (all ladies) facilitated the class so well that the whole episode that was supposed to be traditionally teaching (in Malaysian context) seemed to be scripted and dramatised! During break was amazing. Each student took a marker and dropped some words they have learnt on the blank chart placed in front of the classroom. Some wrote good comments (remember they were year one kid!). It was 1145 am. Lunch time was 15 minutes earlier for the class because they found that the planned activities for the morning were completed and the students learned the lesson very well commented the senior class teacher. I joined them for noon recess with five of them kept on discussing and relating on some students during the lesson.
The basic foundation for effective teaching-learning environment as I observed was: (1) The use of collaborative and cooporative learning strategies employed by all teachers. (The 120-minute lesson was filled with group works with student kept on moving tirelessly at each instruction given by the teachers. The eye-movement and body language displayed were testament of effective instruction at each level.) (2) Teachers' competency and disposition were remarkable in the sense that they mastered both knowledge and skills, implemented well all the classrom managing strategies, and most importantly they controlled too well of the psycho-social climate in the classroom. (3) I observed learning was facilitated and order was established.
(Moved from
APRCIE 1-5 August 2008
Indonesia has an amazing number of private elementary Islamic school nation wide under the JSIT (Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu) umbrella. Contributions from parents, government and the public at large are commendable. After the conference, foreign delegates had the opportunity to visit a JSIT school at Jalan Adi Sucipto, Solo. It is Nur Hidayah Elementary School.