Monday, January 12, 2009

APRCIE 1-5 August 2008

The second Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Islamic Education (APRCIE) jointly organised by Jaringan Seklah Islam Terpadu Indonesia (JSIT) and International Centre of Excellent Education (ICEE) was held at Novotel, Solo, Central Java. About 300 participants from Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and host country Indonesia registered for the two-day conference. It was officiated by DPR Speaker Dr. Hj. Hidayat Nur Wahid. This year's theme was "Sharing best practices on Educational Management". I was co-presenter to Dr. Samsiah's paper entitled Information Seeking Behaviour Among School heads in Malaysia, a study she conducted for her doctoral program. Participants came mostly from Islamic Education background and some were quite multi-lingual. The conference was successfully organised and provided excellent opportunities for Islamic Scholars in the Asia-Pacific region to engage in positive discourse on Islamic Education while sharing some of the school management best practices.

Indonesia has an amazing number of private elementary Islamic school nation wide under the JSIT (Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu) umbrella. Contributions from parents, government and the public at large are commendable. After the conference, foreign delegates had the opportunity to visit a JSIT school at Jalan Adi Sucipto, Solo. It is Nur Hidayah Elementary School.
Thank you.

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