Thursday, January 15, 2009

Experiential learning: understanding adult learners..

Last Saturday, 10 January 2009, I had the opportunity talking to about 70 teachers and instructors of International College of Advanced Technology Sarawak (ICATS) as part of their professional development program. Our six-hour interaction brought us to an understanding about teaching, learning and trying our best to understand what those meant in terms of adult learners.

I began by discussing 'What is teaching?' a preamble session to my second and third modular training sessions, viz-a-viz, "Reflection on our teaching" and "Pedagogy Vs Andragogy". Teachers at private colleges and institutions in Malaysia are of diversified background in terms of academic and professional qualification backgrounds. So the professional development so organised by ICATS was not only relevant but ought to be taken heed of by other institutions because teachers, wherever they serve, need constant professional staff development activities so that they keep abreast with the latest development in the profession of teaching.

In our Malaysian context, teaching is an open profession. However the competency being a professional teachers ought to come along with skill and professional training. Being a trained teacher in government schools in Malaysia, one is recognised as qualified or licenced to teach. Those who are not, are recognised as untrained, temporary teacher; an administrative definition of it.

Learning through experience requires a substantive amount of experience or at least initial exposure to the kind of acquired experience. Several notions to it links to how adult people learn. In teaching terminology 'andragogy' is used and it assumes that adult learn in the following context:

Adults need to know why they need to learn something;

Adults need to learn experientially;

Adults approach learning as problem-solving;

Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value.

The issue teachers need to ponder upon is: when pedagogy or andragogy is used when teaching post secondary students (participants)? How definitive is our approach to teaching a varied background of participants especially when they are of different age groups.

Effective delivery of teaching requires a teacher and instructor alike to ensure that learning does occur. How they learn is to be determined by themselves. Facilitation by both teachers or instructors must observe their styles of learning. Methodologies of teaching ought to be diversified taking into consideration several factors: learners, subject matter, time and space made available.