The weeks 27 March to 7 April have been hectic ones to some. Driving weekly from Kuching to Saratok since mid February (something that I realised worth trying) has beed an interesting experience. I did not normally drive home that frequent for the last 20 years. But with some engagement, association with the alma matta, invitation for talks and wedding receptions all have coincidentally provided the new prospect to this 660km journey.
Each time I stopped over at Sri Aman Journey Break, I met quite a number of party people patronising the the food outlets. The place is now quite improved (minus the toilet, which need urgent repair). I realised that Lubok Antu has been the central focus over the weeks since the demise of the assemblyman for Batang Ai'.
Simanggang or second division as it was fondly referred to by veterans, could have witness more visitors even without by election nearby. The journey break facility made available at the junction serves as only a brief relaxation after a two-hour drive from the capital city. To proceed Sri Aman town one needs to spare 18 km for a return journey, which is to mean 'wasting' 20 minutes or so of the next journey.
Each time I stopped over at Sri Aman Journey Break, I met quite a number of party people patronising the the food outlets. The place is now quite improved (minus the toilet, which need urgent repair). I realised that Lubok Antu has been the central focus over the weeks since the demise of the assemblyman for Batang Ai'.
Simanggang or second division as it was fondly referred to by veterans, could have witness more visitors even without by election nearby. The journey break facility made available at the junction serves as only a brief relaxation after a two-hour drive from the capital city. To proceed Sri Aman town one needs to spare 18 km for a return journey, which is to mean 'wasting' 20 minutes or so of the next journey.