Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Batu Danau and Pengkalan Jawa

I have always been wondering on some of the names given to our schools in Sarawak, notably Batu Danau and Pengkalan Jawa, to mention a few. These two schools have been under my supervision under the Memperkasakan Sekolah Kebangsaan program since 2006. This morning, I went to SK Pengkalan Jawa ( the Javanese might have some contributions in one way or another!) accompanied by Dayang Rohana of PPD Limbang. We spent more than two hours with Franky Isak and his teachers discussing the school strategic planning and progress. There is tremendous improvement in the school. It has a computer lab (yet to be turned into a language lab) although it has not received the computers; new hostel block and a dining hall. The beautification program Franky has been implementing and improving also makes the school a conducive learning environment altogther.
Batu Danau, about ten kilometers (?) away has an equally conducive environment. Slightly larger in terms of both students population and the physical size, SK Batu Danau produces a steady academic performance for the past five years. Sampai Saka, among a few Headmaster with a Master degree qualification is a cool and enthusiastic young man with a full commitment in his duties.

Rohana and I spent slightly longer time at Batu Danau because Sampai has prepared us lunch which we enjoyed together with the entire boarders of the school. The dining hall was a clean and tidy one. As it was Wednesday, Sampai and his team wore the school "corporate attire" while the students wore their co curricula uniforms respectively.

Lunch time: Students of SKBatu Danau Withe some members of the teaching staf. Sampai is on my left.

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