A total of 31 headteachers from 31 underenrolled primary schools throughout Sarawak attended Action Research Course (phase 1) held at BTPN Sarawak in Samarahan. Dr. Abang Hut assisted with the facilitation. For the first phase, the course was to provide basic skills in reflection, approaches and data collection required to start off with small scale research when the go back to their respective schools. The second phase of the course will be held in August where all the 31 participants will present their findings. They will then be guided through analysing, interpreting and documenting the reports. The reports will then be selected for seminar paper presentation.
All the 31 participants have shown keen interest in the research, specifically in management, administration and leadership; centrally focused on their present schools.
Previous action research course were normally conducted to address curriculum issues and attended by senior curriculum practitioners in schools and education offices.
This is the first time Headteachers participated in action research course and IAB is focusing on under enrolled primary schools in Sarawak and Sabah. The two states have more then 50 percent under enrolled primary schools (below 150 pupils).
Previous action research course were normally conducted to address curriculum issues and attended by senior curriculum practitioners in schools and education offices.
This is the first time Headteachers participated in action research course and IAB is focusing on under enrolled primary schools in Sarawak and Sabah. The two states have more then 50 percent under enrolled primary schools (below 150 pupils).
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