"Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa" was made the theme for this year's teachers day celebration. I was requested to deliver a two-hour talk. There were two questions facing this theme:
1. Why teachers are given this responsibility: building nation state?
2. Do teachers equip themselves with the necessary social infrastructure?
The first 40 minutes of the schedule was a blackout which teachers, almost 500 in number patiently waited.
Addressing the theme, I used several examples supposedly self-explanatory: teaching as a universal profession- engaging beyond classroom and beyond racial demarcation. Teachers in Malaysia have already been addressing the profoundly promulgated 1 Malaysia buzz from PM. However, one may have forgotten all this while that has been teachers effort.
Being universal means to educate without any barrier: social or physical. Understanding UNESCO "Education for all, all for education". This, school heads all over Sarawak had to chance to understand when Sarawak Education Department organised the largest participation ever, (1300++ school heads) .